Philadelphia Experiment ?Time Travel Ship
                              By Mr_dad_digvijay 

अमेरिकी नेवी इसे एक मनगंढ़त कहानी बताकर ऐसे किसी प्रयोग के किए जाने की बात से इनकार करती है. लेकिन, क्या सचमुच ये एक सिर्फ एक कहानी थी या ऐसा सच जिसे दबाया गया?

During the World War in 1943, American scientists did an experiment that remains a mystery even today. The purpose of this experiment was to protect the ships from enemy combat aircraft. Scientists developed a technology for this by which the ship became completely 'invisible' for some time.

Today in the series of Dangerous Science, we will tell you about the most mysterious experiment done in history. However, the American Navy denies it any such experiment by telling it a fabricated story. But, was it really just a story or a truth that was suppressed?

During the World War, the Nazis laid the Magneticmines in the sea. The US was working on a variety of projects to save ships from these mines. Scientists were doing a variety of experiments to save sea ships. One of them was the Philadelphia Experiment. For this experiment, scientists took the help of the research of Sir Einstein and Nikola Tesla, who had been working on this project for many years.

Philadelphia Experiment video

For this experiment, scientists took the help of electromagnetic and radar waves technology, which allowed the ship to disappear from the sea for some time. Nikola Tesla's Zero Time Reference Generator was also used inside the ship. Experts believe that this technology locks the Earth's magnetic field, due to which it was difficult to find it from any tracking device.

Earlier this experiment was also done by Nikola Tesla on a small ship, in which he also got success. But when it came time to try this experiment on a large fighter ship, he backed down.

How was this experiment done:
On October 24, 1943, scientists decided to put this experiment on a fighter ship USS-Aldridge. This experiment was performed at the Philadelphia Dockyard. Scientists put several thousand volts of electromagnetic coils around this ship to dodge the magnetic mines laid by the Nazi.

Gradually the power voltage started to increase with the help of a generator mounted on that ship. As soon as the power crossed the three and a half million, a green light illuminated and the ship became completely 'invisible'. Even that ship disappeared from the radar. However, some people say that the ship was spotted in Virginia shortly after it disappeared from where it again disappeared.

The ship returned to the Philadelphia dockyard after 24 hours. However, when people got close to that ship, the scene was shocking. Most of the crew members in the ship were dead. Some were found frozen in the walls of that ship. Also, the people who were well-off had become so bad that they had gone mad

It is believed that they have come after traveling all the time. Some people also disclosed that the ship had gone in 1983 during the disappearance. Where they all reached an intelligence site settled in Long Island.

Is Time Travel Really Possible:
 There are many people all over the world who have claimed that they have come by traveling time. However, till now science also does not have any such logic or instrument that takes a human being to another age or time at the same time. However, some scientists believe that a theory by Sir Einstein can solve the trick of time travel.

Crew member of Philadelphia Experiment 

Albert Einstein gave a theory in 1915, which was named 'Theory of Relativity'. In this theory, the relation between time and speed was explained. Also, Nicholas Tesla claimed that he saw the past, future and present at the same time. For this, he had also made a time machine, in which he was also allegedly successful.

The Truth Behind the Philadelphia 
Experiment: The first disclosure about this experiment was made by a man named Karl Allende. In 1956 Karl Allende revealed this experiment to a scientist Maurice. K. Wrote 50 letters to Jessup. To prove the truth of his talk, Allende also mentioned the names of two people who were eyewitnesses of this incident.

                  कार्ल एलेंडे और मौरिस. के. जेसप
         Carl Allende and Maurice. K. Jessup
Also, Corle Allende also believed that Einstein's Unfield Theory was used in this experiment. However, no concrete evidence was found about this claim made by Carl Allende. After which it was forgotten as a concoction.

                    Naval officer el-belek
After this, in 1983, an American naval officer, El-Belec, claimed that he was present on that ship during that experiment and he has also traveled on time. He claimed that he has also worked in many projects related to time travel being done by American scientists.
In January 1988, when a film called 'The Philadelphia Experiment' was made, his memory started to come back. Along with this, El-Belec also revealed many heartbreaking things related to this experiment in many of his interviews. But, people believed that there was no truth in the words of El-Belec, he was considered a mad-freak. He died in the year 2011. 
has yet been found regarding the Philadelphia experiment. Investigations were also conducted after the claims made by Naval Officer El-Belec, but no documents or evidence related to this experiment were found. Also, the American Navy also claimed that no such experiment has ever been done. After this incident, people forgot it as a fabrication story. But, was it really a story, or the truth from which the curtain will never rise?
