What will be the curtain from the unknown power of the universe? Dark matter, Dark Energy  


 any basic mood discussion about Physics or Natural Philosophy right now.Dark Matter and Dark EnergyBut she gets stuck after coming. Recently a tremendous sensation was witnessed in the whole world about two extraordinary observations taken on a fundamental particle muon. Many physicists were wavered only in the belief that this would end the long-held satisfaction of the standard model of particle physics and that scientists would be able to devote their full strength to understanding the big mysteries like dark matter and dark energy. Clearly, it is necessary for a common man interested in the basic business of creation to know what these two things are, and how they have suddenly assumed such central importance for science.

The first difficulty arises from the shared word like dark with these forms of matter and energy. In places like Dark Secret and Dark Magic, it has been used in a bad sense like Garhit or Tyagya. But the meaning of the dark here is that scientists are confident about their existence, but apart from this, their head and feet are currently beyond their comprehension. In other words, the word dark has come here in the sense of 'unknown'. Even in the era of the nineteenth and twentieth century genius French mathematician Henri Pouvarcé, astronomers began to have some idea of ​​Dark Matter, but Pauvacaré used the adjective 'obscura' (obscure or latent) rather than dark. did. It was first discovered during a study of a galaxy cluster (nebula group) in 1933 that the total weight of galaxies recorded in space as large as or larger than the combined weight of stars, planets, satellites and dust, etc. Instead of being, it has manifold. Sometimes more than a hundred times.

In these vast celestial structures, there is nothing to be observed by any measure, which has nothing to record other than weight, and which does not even have any sign of it at a small level to understand it. Was confirmed by the decade of Then the study of our own galaxy showed that its outer stars are much faster. Like the solar system, there is no case of outer planets like Saturn, Uranus and Neptune being relatively slow in their orbit, and slowing down. This was possible only when there was an undiscovered weight outside.

In this way, Dark Matter took the form of a solid thing out of speculation. Then soon it was also calculated that this unknown substance is about six times the weight of normal mass in the entire universe - including stars, planets, satellites, black holes and dust and dust. . Right now, in the gravitational observations of nebulae, heavy gravity is being recorded even in places where the stars are either absent or their number is very less. This has led to the thinking of Dark Matter as a result of calculation lapses or any perceptual disturbances almost irrelevant.

Dark energy, however, is a very recent thing and in one case it is less 'dark' than dark matter. Nothing seems to be associated with Dark Matter in any way, but the story of Dark Energy started in 1998 with its appearance. The universe is expanding, this information was discovered in the 1930s, when Einstein's water was at its peak. It is another matter that he himself favored the Steady State (steady state) model of the Einstein universe and used his full brain power to balance observations associated with its spread. Nonetheless, the pace of the universe's spread has continued, and two Americans and an Australian scientist, Adam Rees, Sol Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt, have been amazed by their observation in 1998 that the farthest the galaxy is from Earth, The speed of his escape has increased more. Later, he also received the Nobel Prize for this.

Explaining this observation was not a matter of the power of the cosmic model until then. Till that time, it was believed that the universe was expanding with the shock of its starting point Big Bang. The only thing to check is that it will continue to spread continuously, or stop after a point, or it will start to shrink once the spread is complete and the shrinking will return to its starting point (Big Crunch thesis). All these projections became redundant as it proved to be a matter of rapid spread of the universe. Keep in mind, it was only 22-23 years ago. Quick dispersion requires any additional force or energy. Where is this good coming from? What is its nature? Was it present in some other form from the beginning or was it born suddenly? If born in the middle, when? And the biggest question is, what will be the arithmetic of this energy?

The answers to some of these questions were easily discovered. In order to measure the spread of the universe, these scientists used its most authentic solution, the 1-A supernova, which has the status of standard candle. 1-A supernova white dwarf is the explosion that occurs when stars connect to another star. It has a simple formula. When a liquid with a density of more than 3 million tons per cubic meter reaches temperatures above 50 million degrees Celsius, it contains carbon fusion and in this explosion it blasts with a special light. The white dwarf stars remain after the explosion of another star, its axis and live much longer. One meter length, In the boxes of width and height, 2 million young Indian elephants weighing as much or even more is found in this unique place named White Dwarf in the whole universe. And even thinking about 50 million degree temperature is like inviting a headache.

Achieving the speed of 1-A supernova of such stars gives scientists the opportunity to peek billions of light years away. As we see firefighters in the dark night, we know how far they are shining, the same role as a 1-A supernova in space due to its well-defined light. Based on observations of these standard candles, scientists came to the conclusion that until now, some six billion years ago (roughly a little before the sun was born) there was no effect of dark energy in the universe. Seven-eight billion years had passed since the Big Bang, and the momentum of the universe's spread was slowing in order to stabilize. Then suddenly it started spreading very fast and the speed of its spread kept increasing from day to day.

Scientists have so far considered the laws of science to be the same from the beginning of the creation to the present and possibly even in the future. Right now the challenge before them is not only to find the rules of cosmic creation, but also to find a scope in the same rules, which can give rise to surprises like dark energy in the middle way.

Returning to Dark Matter, it is not just a matter of not seeing it. Many things are not visible due to limitations of our observation. Whether or not the stars are planets other than the sun, we did not know until thirty years ago. Because planets do not emit light like stars. They reflect only a small amount of light which is lost in the glow of their star. The black hole cannot be seen in principle because it neither emits light, nor does it reflect. Due to the tendency of light rays to bend towards them, gravitational lensing becomes their source of identification and their shadow can also be captured by the scorching gases moving around.

But dark matter has nothing to do with light. He neither leaves it, nor reflects it, nor turns its direction, nor absorbs it. In such a situation, apart from speculation about him, the only thing that can be done is to map his palms with gravitational mapping. However, this does not lessen the importance of dark matter. In the map of the universe, flocks of galaxies are not scattered randomly. Its clear structure resembles the spider's three-dimensional webs spread through time. The role of Dark Matter is similar to the foundation of this cosmic structure.

Just after the Big Bang, when there was only energy in the universe and matter was in its initial state, then it would hardly have been possible to bind it in a structure, because the abundance of energy everywhere would not allow it to settle. Dark Matter has not yet been found to have anything to do with any fundamental force other than gravity. Therefore, in the morning of the creation, he may have provided the structure on which slowly the whole building of the universe stood. In such a situation, the question for science becomes the biggest on its own, what is the composition of this dark matter. For this, if there is some scope in the standard model of particle physics, then maybe there is some light on dark energy as well.