Earth evolution how Earth Become in Sapce What was there when nothing was there? 


OurThe universeHow did it happen? There are many theories on this. Most established theoryBig bangIs considered to be the initial phase of the universe. At one time the universe was smaller than an atom. The explosion occurred in the microbe about 14 billion years ago. This is called the Big Bang.

From the explosion, the point started to break apart into pieces. This was the beginning of the universe. The truth is also that we have no place in front of the whole universe. When our sun also looks smaller than a particle of dust from space, what will be our existence there!

There are about 5000 planets all around us like the Earth. There will be life somewhere and it is not necessarily like us. There can also be a very elementary level of life, fish-like or even better than us.

At the same time, the universe is constantly expanding. At one time it was expected to close, but in 1998 the Hubble Telescope showed that the speed at which the universe is expanding is also increasing at a constant rate.

Scientists say that the reason is dark energy. It is present everywhere around us, but is not visible. We can neither measure nor examine it. Yes, we feel its effect.

What is this, if it is known, then all the kernels of past, present and future can be opened. Ultimately, what will happen to this universe will be determined by what dark energy actually is. In the same way, we know about dark matterGravityProduces, but it is not known from whom it is made of dark matter.

It is also interesting to note that this universe, as much as we see it, is only 5 percent of the entire universe. The remaining 95 percent is invisible. Of this, dark energy is 68 percent. The remaining 27 percent is dark matter, which was discovered in 1933. It is made up of such complex and unique particles, not made up of atoms and molecules, about which we have not yet come to know.

All the things we see in this universe, they either throw light on themselves or reflect it. Dark matter does not work both. So it is not possible to see it. Actually, Dark Matter produces such strong gravity that everyGalaxyAll of the stars are bound in the same galaxy.

Overall, Dark Matter serves to bind the universe, while Dark Energy continues to expand the universe. Because of this, the spacing of each galaxy increases with each other.

In this universeBlack holeThere is also such a name, which swallows everything that comes under its purview. This is due to the tremendous stretch of his gravity. The laws of physics do not apply to this. The outer part of a black hole is called an event horizon.

The black hole was discovered in 1964. We can also call it a deep moat created in space. Like a hole in a sheet, like a death well, like a flask, like a vortex made by rolling in a bucket full of water.

There are many black holes of different sizes in the whole universe, but ourSolar SystemThere is no blackhole in it. Yes, there is a huge black hole in the middle of our galaxy which is about 10 million times larger than our Sun.

There are two theories on how black holes are formed. One is that when a huge star is about to end, it starts to shrink inside itself. After some time it becomes a black hole. The second theory is that the black hole is the first celestial body after the Big Bang. The first black hole was formed. Different stars formed from the black hole itself. Planets, satellites etc. were formed from the stars. 

Where things go after falling into a black hole is not yet known. The reason is that the black hole absorbs the light inside itself. Does not reflect. Only when the light is shed on it, nothing is seen other than the dark darkness. Therefore, it is not possible to take a picture of a black hole directly.

Many important questions about the black hole are yet to be answered. For example, do things that fall into a black hole go into some other dimension? Is a black hole the door to other dimensions? Will we reach some other world, some other universe? Just as there are black holes, are white holes also in space?

What was it before the big bang? Under what circumstances did the Big Bang begin and why? How did the first galaxy form? How did the first black hole form? Answers to these questions are expected in 20 years. Many people also have the misconception that there is a center of the universe.

Nowadays parallel universe is also being talked about. It is believed that everything in our universe is replicated in parallel universes. Everything that can happen in our life is happening in other universes. However, this is still an idea and it has not been proved.

These days many experiments are being done at the CERN lab in Switzerland to get answers to such questions. The world's largest lab is built in a 27-km-long tunnel on the France-Switzerland border. Here, after spending billions of dollars, a large machine named Large Hadron Collider has been installed. With its help, it will be ascertained under what circumstances the universe was formed. An attempt is being made to study by creating those conditions.

Thousands of scientists from around a hundred countries, including India, are participating in this experiment. In 2012, solid evidence of being a God particle ie Higgs Boson was found from Cern Lab. Nowadays experiments on dark matter are going on here. Hopefully, many puzzles related to the universe will be solved soon.

(Based on a conversation with Professor Priyamvada of Astronomy at Yale University, USA)