Evidence of presence of active volcano on Mars! Learn how the chances of life on the red planet increased now 


Volcanoes on Mars (NASA)

Till now, most of the volcanic activity on Mars was believed to have happened about three to four billion years ago.

New observations related to Mars have revealed that the volcanoes present here can still be active (Volcanically active). This increases the possibility of habitable conditions below the surface of Mars. A new research by researchers from the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and the Planetary Science Institute has revealed that evidence of recent volcanic activity on Mars suggests that volcanoes on the planet over the last 50,000 years There must have been explosions from.

Till now, most of the volcanic activity on the red planet was believed to have happened about three to four billion years ago. However, there is evidence that some sporadic volcanic eruptions were observed in some areas of the planet some 30 million years ago. But there was no evidence before this time, to indicate that the volcanoes of Mars must have been active. Now this study has started to discuss that if this happened then circumstances must have existed to maintain life on Mars.

Information from satellite data

Researchers used data collected through satellites circling around Mars. They detected unknown volcanic movements through this data. Researchers have published their results in a paper called 'Evidence of geologically recent volcanic eruptions in Mars' Elysium planitia' in the Icarus journal. David Horwarth, the author who led the study, said, "This may be the youngest volcanic eruption ever on Mars."

Lava will flow on the surface after the explosion

Co-author of this study Jeff Andrews-Hannah said that when we first came to know about this volcanic eruption, we understood that it is very special. Till now nothing like this was seen on this red planet. It also revealed the feature of volcanic eruptions on the Moon and Mercury. Explain that after the explosion in other parts of the planet including the Elysium Planitia region of Mars, lava must have started flowing on the surface. Although there are information about many volcanic eruptions on Mars, these happened a long time ago.

Conditions will be favorable for microbial life

David Horwarth said that the material emitted after the volcanic eruption increased the possibility that life would have existed below the surface of Mars in recent years. He said, the magma emanating from the volcano and the icy crust present in Elysium planitia would have provided supportive conditions for microbial life. This life must have been present only in recent years. Horwarth said that life may still exist in this area.