Atlantis finally came out of the water ?


Part one

I am a death bearer. I know I was born for a day. But when I see immense constellations wandering along my cycle with joy, my feet do not remain on the earth. - astronomer Ptolemy

Greek philosopherPlato According to the western sea AtlantisThere was an island called, which one day merged into the sea with its entire civilization. This island remained lost for centuries and became a part of Western mythology. There was an era of darkness in Europe. In the early seventeenth century, the British philosopher Francis Bacon discovered a new Atlantis.

'New Atlantis' is Bacon's last and smallest masterpiece. Regarding this, HG Wells has said that it is the greatest service of science. In it, Bacon envisions an Atlantis island where science ultimately controls all things. New Atlantis is the last dream of a great philosopher.

That dream seems to be coming true today. About three and a half years after the death of Bacon, a civilization has settled on this planet, which flourished with the help of science. From slippers to mobiles and pins to the Internet, we are living in a world of miracles. Even miracles have stopped waking us up.

But this is technology. Technology is the outer body of science. The science within that body is a continuous attempt to unravel the puzzle of creation and find man's place in the universe. In the words of T. H. Huxley, 'the greatest question for all of humanity, lies behind all the problems - the determination of his place in nature and his relationship to the universe'.

All science, all arts and all human endeavors are steps towards this direction. The paths of all these are different, but for centuries it has been believed that if the puzzle is clear, it will be solved by logic. And the language of logic is either science or philosophy

science and philosophy are complementary to each other. In the ordinary life, the way they are kept on two axles is not really that. The scientist who was a scientist in ancient times was also a philosopher and a poet. If you read the greatest scientists of the modern era, you will find that eventually they start meditating on these eternal questions of life and the world.

So the first of the two central problems facing science and philosophy is that of the world, that is, what is this world? And the second question is what is the meaning of life, that is, human life? Science has made so much progress in finding solutions to both these questions that it becomes difficult to believe it.

It is a human saga of tremendous disorientation and rise and fall, the latest chapter of which is so sensational and bizarre that even after ninety-hundred years people are unable to believe it.

This new found truth is about a reality where nothing is real, where the whole world transforms into shadows, where dik (space) and kal (time) turn into indescribable forms, where the world exists An audience is waiting for us to come, where we are making our own history, where the world is being divided into many branches every moment.

The beginning of science is the gift of a man, who must first have seen a huge wonder in the sky by seeing the Diwali of the stars. Therefore astronomy is probably the first science, although at that time it was much closer to astrology.

This mixture of science and myth continued to dominate in every field for a long time. The living and inanimate object, a presiding deity in every form of nature and in every shape, was hidden. Even as many humans were not there, the number of gods exceeded them. But this was not enough.

Man must have been learning to walk in those days and his intelligence would have learned to raise his head with very easy arguments. He must have seen night after day and again day in a continuous order. He must have seen the weather changing in a certain cycle. He must have realized the annual rule of flooding of rivers.

This silent philosophy of nature would not have been there. The mental reactions behind it must be getting activated. He must have understood a frequency and a discipline in nature. Later, when he would be engaged in animal husbandry and agriculture, his need and desire to understand nature more and more would have increased. The establishment of the gods was not enough for this.

Only the calendar could save man

, the most reliable companion in natureThe objects of the skyWere. They must have attracted the man. That's why the second thing we find in elementary science after arms is the calendar.

The calendar was necessary for farming. Only the calendar could save humans from the floods of Nile, Indus, Tigris and Euphrates. A man would look up to the sky to know the nature of nature, and he would see countless stars. Most of them do not even move from their place. But there were seven bodies that used to walk continuously like passers-by. These were planets. There was a planetary path to his vicinity. This path was divided into 12 zodiac signs and each star had an asterisk.

Six centuries before Christ, a new revolution began in the Roman world. In the centuryEarthIn the farthest parts of the world, Buddha, Lao Tzu and Confucius were born, at the same time a new idea was born in Ionia. The idea was that 'the universe is worth knowing, it has an internal system, which nature also has to obey and these rules can be known.'

This was the first acceptance and definition of a human search that has been going on for centuries. This was the true beginning of science. Today we can easily see that if the scientific philosopher of Ionia had not reached this revolutionary conclusion, then natural science would not have developed like an organized scripture.

The first Ionian scientist is Thets. For the first time, he began investigating nature by putting God aside. In the same sequence, Pythagoras described the numerals as 'the key to knowledge', today no one is mistrustful of this claim of Pythagoras.

The longest and most stormy controversy in science has been about whether the universe is earth-centered (geocentric) or sun-centered (heliocentric)? Many scientists presented their own models of the universe and until a few centuries ago, there was a belief that the earth of humans could not be moved.

It is a long story of human hope, vilification and courage. Suffice it to say in a nutshell that the Earth-centered model of Ptolemy (second century) in 1543Nicholas CopernicusDemolished

Man was standing in front of the universe and now the lion's door to infinite knowledge was about to open.