Suppose aliens are Aline evidence  by Mr DIGVIJAY SINGH

alone, where life is a starting position. There are billions of such galaxies in the entire universe. But can intelligent machines also be civilized in the universe? Leia crane reportNew scientist

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AliensExists. Tie this knot. OurGalaxyAll the stars in the Milky Way, on average, one of each planet is orbiting. 20 percent of these stars are such that there is an environment to start life. This means that our galaxy alone can have 50 billion possible 'Earths'.

Do you know that there are billions of such galaxies in the entire universe. Seth Schostack of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, USA, says it is strange to say that there is no life anywhere else. This means that you Earth Consider it to be a wonder It is miraculous. Do you think that we are better than other planets in mysterious ways?

The possibility of life as microbes,

however, also does not mean that intelligent aliens are closer to Earth. We have been exploring our solar system for a long time. So, if there were aliens in it, we probably would have detected them by now. But the case of 'simple microbial life' is different from this.

Icy external solar systems have moons such as Europe, Enclades, and Titan. These are liquid, so there can be microbial life. This information was given by Lisa Caltenzer, director of the Carl Segan Institute at Cornell University in New York.

If we want to find larger creatures than this, then the scope of search will have to be increased. The problem is that we do not have the necessary technology for this. We can infer this from gases like oxygen and methane, which are proof of life anywhere. We do not have its technology yet, but the James Webb Space Telescope will soon begin to work. A very large telescope is also being prepared in Chile. These two can make this work easier.

The aliens who meet you will blow your senses,

if we can sit on earth and explore life in another world, then it will be amazing. This would mean thatSpaceThere can be life in many places. But by this discovery we will not know what life is like there?

We do not even know what humans will look like in the future. Which evolutions will they contain? Shostack said, 'If someone had written this article 100 million years ago, how would they have imagined aliens. Perhaps the idea of ​​some strange creature would have come to his mind. '

If we say today that carbon and liquid (liquid things like water) are necessary for life, then we have no other basis except for this. It may be that liquid hydrocarbons are doing the same work on Titan, which works on the earth. Shostack says that given the rapid computing revolution here, it can also be said that advanced aliens can be life intelligence machines.

Lisa says that there are many forms of life on earth. I could never imagine all this. I feel the same about life on other planets. Maybe the forms of life found there will blow our senses.